Monday, September 23, 2019

David Suzuki Foundation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

David Suzuki Foundation - Assignment Example y, protection of the climate, habitat and endangered species protection, future projects on energy and sustainability of healthy oceans and seafood among others. The David Suzuki Foundation is very strict when it comes to uploading ethics. Some of the ways it does this is by not accepting funding or donations from individuals or organizations that have a hidden agenda in mind. They care about their integrity and reputation so much so that it declines such gifts or funding despite their value. This is the reason it does not accept direct funding from the government as this will mean they are indebted or at the mercy of the government and hence will lose its ethical conduct. The only funding from the government it takes is that provided through the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. On environmental values, the foundation strives to uphold the human rights of people when still safeguarding the environment. They are guided by the United Nations Declarations on Rights of Indigenous People formulated in 2010 and which protects the indigenous people who rely on the environment for their survival. In their aim to protect the environment therefore, they avoid clashing with the Aboriginals and they always respect them. They even at times use them to safeguard their other environmental policies as these people have indigenous knowledge of the environment and have vested interests in the environment being safeguarded. Its environmental values are also upheld through having their offices heated and cooled by geothermal system, recycling of its products, planting native species in the roof, having automatic timers to shut off their electrical appliances to save energy, employees commuting to work through biking or walking and using teleconferencing to reduce air travel. Their suppliers are also green suppliers using organic and non-toxic biodegradable among others all aimed at protecting the environment. Its code of conduct demands that its

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