Monday, September 30, 2019

Managing Individual Performance Essay

Abstract This paper will discuss how managing individual performance have affected my personal and professional development. It will also briefly identify and discuss several written works on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as well as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Also this paper will discuss my experience through the Managing Individual Performance simulation and results improvement. Managing Individual Performance A good manager can motivate employees and equally to go the extra mile, and complete the unachievable, despite their limitations. As a leader and manager of people, it pays to understand what is important to each team member. Understanding motivation helps me to put my emotions and actions in perspective. Contemporary motivational theories recommend that managers should realize individual differences, evaluating needs correctly and addressing these through the right interventions. Criteria a team leader use when selecting members of a team Team leaders or managers must ensure that the teams and their projects have the ability to survive. To maintain the team’s viability, I included the following elements: proper membership, interpersonal skills, each member should be a contributor, a clear charter or purpose, achievable, noticeable results, understand and agreed-upon ground rules, and intensive teambuilding up front. The changes needed to improve team effectiveness across the organization do not involve individual teams, but rather the systems that support them. These systems include the following: organizational structure,  motivation, promotion and performance appraisal criteria, and compensation. In addition, Jeff Cowell and Jerry Michaelson (2000), recommend â€Å"in selecting team members, and prepare a draft charter† (p11). It is very important to prepare a draft charter where you can briefly describe the team’s purpose, and you can see candidates interest. Team selection in the simulation I selected the team in the following order: first, Michelle Levy for the build case files position, because she is a natural problem solver with good communication skills, and an investigative nature of collecting facts. My second selection was Lisa Srafford holding the moderate self-help groups. She has conflict management skills, ability to facilitate groups meeting and very patient in stressful situations. My third selection was Tony Wu to perform follow-ups. Tony has capability to interpret reported data, good observation skills, and his bachelors in business make him more capable in accounting for external factors. My last team member, Daniel Nichols, trainer with knowledge and domineering attitude, was selected to supervise confrontation sessions. His Master in Business Administration (MBA), prepared him to have good communication skills, excellent conflict management, and with his strong personality made him capable of build mutual respect, discipline, and motivation to victims while handling sensitive personal issues. Factors I need to consider in order manage my team effectively There are many factors in order to manage a team effectively. McShane-Von Glinow (2002) gives us six of the important elements â€Å"reward systems, communication systems, physical space, organizational environment, organizational structure, and leadership† (p232). Reward systems indicate that people tend to work more effectively when they are partly rewarded for their performance. Communication systems, maintain valuable information and feedback between team members. Physical space, with a good layout will improve communication between team members. Organizational environment and structure, where team members have secure resources for their performance. Last but not least, the most important factor is leadership to maintain the ongoing support from all executives to provide the right coaching,  motivation, and all elements mentioned. Individual’s personality play a role in the team’s success Kreitner (2003) describe personality as â€Å"the relatively stable pattern of behaviors and consistent internal states that explain a person’s behavioral tendencies† (p84). Personality has both internal which represent the thoughts, values, and genetic characteristics, and external elements are the observable behaviors. Also personality has recover credibility in organizations in the last years, the reason is that some personality habits predict some work-related behaviors and emotions under certain conditions, and stress reactions. Besides individual personality play a role in the team’s success because this help people find the jobs that best suit them and their company’s needs. Personality preference in the MBTI assessment and how this may affect the way an employee carries his or her tasks. Depending on the job description, you can find personality preference in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). We have 16 distinct types. Some job description prefer ISFJs people with a high sense of duty, others prefer ENTJs because they are considered natural leaders. For example, corporate executives tend to be ESTJs, meaning that they are more extroverted, sensing, thinking and judging types, and so on. These types indicate a person’s preference. All of this may affect the way an employee carries his or her tasks because these types do not indicate the way he or she behaves all the time. I think that these indicators can limit the creativity and decision making besides limiting good people to perform a specific job in determinate area. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, how it affects motivation and my team choice. McShane-Von Glinow (2002), described Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as â€Å"a content motivation theory of five instinctive needs arranged in a hierarchy, whereby people are motivated to fulfill a higher need as a lower one becomes gratified†(p133). From the bottom those are physiological, safety, belongingness, self-esteem, and the top is self-actualization. People have different levels of motivation, and they may fit one of those levels. As a leader you have to measure the needs of each member of your team, because  when you have to motivate or reward them, you can select the wrong level. According to Maslow the lowest needs are initially most important, but higher need become more important as the lower ones are satisfied. Maslow’s model may not predict employee needs as well as scholars initially expected. Team selection and how that falls on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs During the simulation, I selected the best people for the different positions. It was an 8 months project. I had my first situation during the second month. I failed at motivating one of my team members, giving me the wrong results. The same situation was present in month 4 with other team members. After I repeated the simulation and learn more about my team members needs, I overcame those situations successfully. Team selection performance, expectations and  factors in selecting strategies to motivate my team Money and other financial rewards are a fundamental part of the employment relationship. Also public recognition, awards, and membership will help employees to have better performance. It is important to know the different levels of needs mentioned before. You have to know what kind of an employee need have in that moment. Some of the factors include task performance, competencies, job status and seniority. Results improvement after running the simulation again I repeat the simulation three times, and definitely each time my results improved significantly. My weakness was motivating my team members with the inappropriate reward, giving as a result to the decrease in the team performance. Application of the lesson learned at my workplace Job design involves assigning task to a job and distributing work throughout the organization. Job specialization, which subdivides work into separate jobs for different people, increase work efficiency because employees achieve the tasks quickly, less training, and matching more closely with the jobs best suited to their skills. Although, reduce stress, problems, increase product or service quality, and decrease costs. Leadership is the process of influencing oneself to establish the right direction and  motivation needed to perform a task. Also I have to include personal goal setting, constructive thought, design the right rewards, self-monitoring, and self-reinforcement. Better knowledge of the needs of each team members will help leaders to make the right decisions without affecting the individual performance. Leaders require a process of observation, reflection, and evaluation. It necessitates that we take time periodically to think about what has happened. Were there conflicts? How were they handled? What has gone well and why has it? What has not gone well and why? Could we have done better? Most importantly, we must develop the skill of asking ourselves what steps we can take to be more effective either in our current team or as a member of future teams. As I said in the beginning, a good manager motivates people to achieve the impossible without limitations. This become possible only with a clear understanding of each individual needs with the help of all motivational theories recommended. This understanding is implemented though optimal intervention. Also evaluating needs correctly and addressing these though are the right interventions. References Bagraim, J. (2001). Organizational psychology and workplace control: the instrumentality of Corporate culture. South African Journal of Psychology; Sep2001, Vol.31, Issue 3 p43. Bower, M. (2003). Company philosophy:† the way we do things around here† McKinsey Quarterly; 2003 Issue 2, p110, 8p.3c. [University of Phoenix Special Edition Series]. Cowell, J., Michaelson, J. (2000). Flawless Teams. Executive Excellence, 17(3), 11.[University of Phoenix Special Edition Series] Kreitner, R. (2003). Organizational Behavior, Sixth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill McShane-Von, G. (2003). Organizational Behavior, Second Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Reconstitution of a Partnership Essay

Partnership is the relation between persons who have agreed to share the profits of the business carried on by all or any of them acting for all. An essential element of partnership is to have an agreement and wherever a change takes place in this relationship it results in reconstitution of the partnership firm. Reconstitution of the firm may happen under any of the following circumstances and as a result there will be a change in the profit sharing ratio: 1) Change in the profit sharing ratio amongst the existing partners; 2) Admission of a new partner; 3) Retirement of an existing partner; 4) Death of a partner and 5) Amalgamation of two partnership firms Change in the profit sharing ratio of existing partners: The partners of a firm may decide to change their profit sharing ratio and in such eventuality, the gaining partner (i.e. the partner whose share has been reduced) unless otherwise agreed should be paid some compensation and the compensation is the value of goodwill represented by the gain because the change in profit sharing ratio means that one partner is purchasing from another partner of the profits. For example; James and Jones, two partners of a firm are sharing the profits of the firm in the ratio of 3:1 and if it is decided that in future both will be equal partners, it means that James is selling to Jones  ¼ th (3/4-1/2) share of profits. Therefore, Johns will pay to James an amount equal to one fourth of the total value of goodwill. In concrete terms, suppose, the profit is $20000 previously James would get $15000 and Jones would get $5000. After the change in the profit sharing ratio, each would get $10000. James, therefore, loses annually $5000 and Jones gains $5000. If the goodwill is valued at $40000, Jones must pay James one fourth of $40000 namely $10000. This adjustment is usually made by passing an adjustment entry. In this case, John’s capital account will be debited and James’ capital account will be credited with $10000. In addition to the adjustments for goodwill, the change in profit sharing ratio also requires the adjustment of profit/loss on revaluation of assets and reassessment of liabilities, accumulated reserves and profit (or loss) etc. Sacrificing ratio and gaining ratio: Change in the profit sharing ratio of existing partners will necessarily mean that one or more partners are surrendering a part of their share in the profits in favor of one or more other partners. A part of share being so surrendered is termed as â€Å"sacrificing ratio† while the share gained by each partner is termed as â€Å"gaining ratio†. â€Å"Sacrificing ratio† is computed by deducting the new ratio from the old ratio. â€Å"Gaining ratio† is computed by deducting the old ratio from the new ratio. References:

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Contrast Dantes presentation of sins and sinners in Inferno and Essay

Contrast Dantes presentation of sins and sinners in Inferno and Purgatorio - Essay Example s and sinners in Inferno and Purgatory and characteristic portrayal of sins and sinners by Dante surpasses the treatment of the theme by any literary figures the world literature. â€Å"Ultimately, of course, what most distinguishes Dante’ Inferno from other representations of Hell is that he creates sinners so complex and alive that the reader is compelled to sympathize and identify with them, rather than simply to fear their lot and resolve to avoid it.† (Lansing and Barolini, 476) Therefore, Dante Alighieri’s presentation of sins and sinners in Inferno and Purgatory are unlike their typical representations in literature and there is essential difference in the depiction of sins and sinners between the books Inferno and Purgatory. In a profound analysis of the two books of the Divine Comedy, it becomes lucid that Dante’s Purgatory, in contrast to the Inferno, is a place of camaraderie, harmony, and sharing and it is, in fact, a transitory state of existe nce where the sinners are hopeful of purging themselves of their sins and gaining entry into Paradise. Significantly, there is essential difference in the representation of sins and sinners between the books Inferno and Purgatory and it is important to realize this distinction to comprehend how the Divine Comedy surpasses other pieces of the world literature which deal with the same theme. In his introduction to Purgatory, Mark Musa makes the distinction between the portrayal of sins and sinners in Inferno and Purgatory as follows: â€Å"In the Inferno the damned are grouped according to the sinful acts they committed; in the Purgatory repentant sinners are grouped according to the tendencies that were the cause of their sins. Penance is not to be considered as a punishment, but rather as a corrective measure for that sinner who has repented. It was a discipline imposed in order to help one fight the old habit of ones sin or the residual tendency to sin.† (Musa, x) Therefore, Dante has been careful about

Friday, September 27, 2019

High Costs of Healthcare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

High Costs of Healthcare - Research Paper Example Anderson’s (1997) theory organizes the healthcare system as per the contribution of government and private agencies in the healthcare delivery. The level of participation of the government and nongovernment agencies in the financing and organization of the healthcare modules determine their position on the continuum. In the US, the healthcare is market driven and the various modules, even the essential ones like insurance, accessibility etc are treated like commodities. In the fast-changing environment of globalization and technological advancement, the healthcare system of the US has come under a lot of stress from various factors. Hence, academicians and scholars have placed the US Healthcare system at the market-maximized extreme of the Anderson continuum. The general downtrend in the management and delivery of health  is a major issue which, if not tackled soon, may boomerang on the government with serious consequences. The needed reforms, therefore, require a careful consideration to all the various pros and cons of the developing situations in the concerned areas of the public health care. The various agencies, government and nongovernment are required to come together to formulate strategies and policies for the legislative reforms that need to be implemented. The market maximization and the competitive business rivalry have resulted in the low quality of the healthcare in the United States. In the market-driven health system, consumers or people decide what goods (health module) to buy and at what cost. Therefore, the prices and the level of services become the crucial factor in the exchange of goods or the healthcare services.     

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The number one phobia on earth is fear of public speaking Research Paper

The number one phobia on earth is fear of public speaking - Research Paper Example The reason public speaking is the world’s number one phobia is that it gravely affects the social and private life of an individual and can even destroy his personality (Varrel Smith. Phobia). The phobia of public speaking is categorized in social phobia therefore the preliminary impact of this phobia is on the individual’s social life. Being a social phobia, it is a fear that arises with people and social gatherings. The phobia of pubic speaking refers the fear of speaking or expressing when in a gathering of people. The phobic person may be able to talk and express when there are a few well acquainted people around him and a normal communications is in progress. The fear automatically arises when he has to address a few people, maybe even more than just two. The person suffering from phobia of public speaking feels that someone is pulling him down, or others will not accept what he says. He knows what to say and how to express but his voice is lost somewhere in the dark. Sometimes this may also happen that he curses himself later that he should of have spoken or expressed. This fear gradually develops deep inside him and becomes a phobia called the phobia of publ ic speaking (John R. Marshall. Social Phobia: From Shyness to Stage Fright). The phobia of public speaking is not something that sprouts overnight. There have been discovered many causes that lead the victim towards the higher phases of this problem. One of the major causes of phobia is fear of embarrassment in the public. This major cause contributes primarily towards making the phobia of public speaking the number one phobia in the world because the roots lie in the childhood and parenting. It is usual for many parents that a child is snubbed in front of some other people, teachers, siblings or relatives for any mischief or folly. This develops a fear of public activity in the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Digital Target Audience and Media Influencer Essay

Digital Target Audience and Media Influencer - Essay Example The story is about sharing experiences and giving hope where there is none. In other segments, there are classifieds and news coverage from different parts of the world. The site runs ads on different goods on promotion and hot deals. The site integrates with its social network sites which include Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. Participants engage using these networks on news, trends, gossip and other stories highlighted on the site (Indystar). The content in the site include videos, pictures and graphics. The quality is good and merges those of other news media sites. The site generally carries stories about Indianapolis and other parts of the world. The content is essential for the company that requires tracking its customers throughout their lives and creating customized and effective ads. The online media platform has a wide spectrum of services and products. Better analysis and tracking will provide accurate information on how customers can be served better and their demands satisfied in Indianapolis. This YouTube media channel is a nature exploration platform for those enthusiastic with media. The channel details National Geographic best range of wild habitats including all kinds of wildlife. The channel has is rich with videos describing different habitats in the world, from the Kalahari to Brazil. Videos are high quality presented in HD and involve well-researched documentaries produced by the world’s greatest wild enthusiasts. Documentaries on Wild American Yellowstone Scavengers, Snowy Owls, Hummingbirds, most beautiful and colorful birds, Siberian wolfs and Hippos are informative and explorative. The channels qualify as a good media outlet because it has more than 1862 subscriptions and more than 270,000 views. The channel has social media outlets which let its subscribers follow what is happening (YouTube). Most of the videos uploaded to this channel attract record-breaking views. One of its video  uploads â€Å"Birds of Paradise† has attracted 116,378 views, while another â€Å"Snowy Owl† has over 69,000 views.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Perspectives on Caring About Animals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Perspectives on Caring About Animals - Essay Example Third, the book explains the human-animal bond (Davis 29).   The book explains that having pets generates a healthy environment. By having pets, the elderly person can be preoccupied with an activity that keeping boredom out of the home.  Ã‚   The book also shows the important of giving space to the animals to do their thing. Doing their thing includes sleeping, roaming around, feeding, self hygiene, and even mating. Impact.The book creates a great impact on my current knowledge about pet care (Davis 57). The book adds significant knowledge to my daily preparation pet nutrition. The book enumerates the vitamin and mineral requirements of my favorite pet dog. My application of the book’s food discussion has generated big results. My pet dog had metamorphosed from a lazy sleepy dog to a more active and playful ball retriever. Whenever I play catch the ball game, my pet dog runs faster, higher, and whoops (dog sound) more excitedly. The nutrition part of the book has allowed my pet dog to have more playing time. After feeding my dog the necessary vitamin and other energy-boosting food requirements, my pet dog’s energy  Ã‚   has quadrupled. Research Perspectives.     The book greatly contributes to my research perspectives (Davis 29). The book adds to my current knowledge about pet care. The book rejects many of the traditional ways of caring for animals. Many of the traditional ways are not medically approved by the authorized pet care authority, Medical Veterinarian.   The book discusses the social values about pets (Davis 137).

Monday, September 23, 2019

David Suzuki Foundation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

David Suzuki Foundation - Assignment Example y, protection of the climate, habitat and endangered species protection, future projects on energy and sustainability of healthy oceans and seafood among others. The David Suzuki Foundation is very strict when it comes to uploading ethics. Some of the ways it does this is by not accepting funding or donations from individuals or organizations that have a hidden agenda in mind. They care about their integrity and reputation so much so that it declines such gifts or funding despite their value. This is the reason it does not accept direct funding from the government as this will mean they are indebted or at the mercy of the government and hence will lose its ethical conduct. The only funding from the government it takes is that provided through the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. On environmental values, the foundation strives to uphold the human rights of people when still safeguarding the environment. They are guided by the United Nations Declarations on Rights of Indigenous People formulated in 2010 and which protects the indigenous people who rely on the environment for their survival. In their aim to protect the environment therefore, they avoid clashing with the Aboriginals and they always respect them. They even at times use them to safeguard their other environmental policies as these people have indigenous knowledge of the environment and have vested interests in the environment being safeguarded. Its environmental values are also upheld through having their offices heated and cooled by geothermal system, recycling of its products, planting native species in the roof, having automatic timers to shut off their electrical appliances to save energy, employees commuting to work through biking or walking and using teleconferencing to reduce air travel. Their suppliers are also green suppliers using organic and non-toxic biodegradable among others all aimed at protecting the environment. Its code of conduct demands that its

Sunday, September 22, 2019

N a response no longer than one page single-spaced, describe any Essay

N a response no longer than one page single-spaced, describe any obstacle(s) that you had to overcome to reach your senior year - Essay Example Since we were used to a very lavish lifestyle full of luxury, we faced difficulties because we had to cut our spending on everything from the electricity bills to eating out and shopping designer clothes. This was a huge change for all of us especially for me and this made me very much frustrated. When I entered high school, we did not have enough money to pay for my school but I was adamant that I wanted to continue my studies in the same school. Luckily, I came across an ad in the newspaper which was looking for a writer. I immediately applied for the job and got a call after a few days after which I was employed and I started working from home using my laptop. In this way, I was also able to earn money for my school fees and I also didn’t have to quit my studies.1 Work Cited Montez, Michele., & Vogler, Christopher. The Writers Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers. 3rd Edn. Michael Wiese Productions, 2007.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

On Site vs Online Classes Essay Example for Free

On Site vs Online Classes Essay In assessment of online and classroom (on-ground) knowledge gives specific students that has interest according to how they learn. Taking online classes for me works so much better because I can go at my own pace. After doing some research online I found that there is a debate regarding the matter of online classes vs. traditional classrooms. At a point in time I recently had a debate on their opinion in classroom learning and the online classes. Their opinion has given me a better understanding on the format in relation with on ground classroom setting. Although I feel strongly about my online courses my friend says they will never stop attending school on site. As I continue on I will state the difference of the classroom setting, online classes, and the summary response towards from the textbook. As well as, give some example of the differences between older and younger students attending traditional classroom and online classes. The classroom setting has human contact which might be better for interaction purposes. With the professor there in person they can better explain things that might get misunderstood through typing in an email or on the class discussions. This could also be said for the classmates in your class, who are trying to make their point understood. A classroom for some has less distraction which makes it easier to do class work, reading assignments, and homework that may not get done due to work schedule or life’s unexpected turns. Also a classroom setting has more of a community feeling, everyone bands together to understand one another and their differences. For example, when you’re asked to participate in group activities you try and co-inside with your teammates in order to get a reasonable grade even if your opinions are different. As an online student I find it very easy to study and process all information that is needed. Being able to work on my own and on my own pace is challenging, but not able to physically to get hands on help from an instructor is complicated. Having trouble with some problems and school questions can be very complicated due to the fact that speaking with an instructor through email and not receiving the information right way or getting direction makes it really hard to get a better understanding on how things can be done. Last but not least receiving information is not enough because the due date for assignments for class is not the same for online courses. Making an effort to continue with education is had when I am in need with extra help. Positive outlook on this is being able to work and still spend all the time I can with my children. In summary of the text question is that I have learned in my online course being that it is very hard and challenging, but the passion I have to better my children’s future as well as for myself. Starting online classes has scared me because of the fact that I really thought it was going to very advance with no help. Being that I have already started this course I have came to understand that online is not as hard as I made it seem in the beginning. I am very interested due to the fact that I already have a plan for my families’ future. Showing that I have the passion to care for my family and to be the provider that I am gives me the power to finish in something I started by working, online classes, and being the single mother that I am. Continuing on with this course I am able to speak to my fellow classmates as well as for the tutor we have online to process all information. These are some summaries that I have on this course. In conclusion I have notice that I carry many thoughts in this subject. The audience that have received they have a busy life just like myself. Letting them know that this subject is hard but hard work pays off also being able to spend time with work and family while being enroll in school. An online class gives you the opportunity to be able to live normal life but process all information that is needed. My audience has given me questions that I have asked myself how I can get help when the responses are not as immediately response that we need. The purpose of this subject s being able to process all information that is needed to get through a better writing skill and having a better way to be more accurate in all materials. The end results is to being able to write all my writing materials a lot better than before, more meaningful, and have better ability to write all papers. With this is a gives me understanding in difference of the online classes to just make the choice to contin ue on a path of achievement. According to Carron Jackson, for those of us who are 18-21 we may be better in a college campus because of the social atmosphere it provides. She also states that for those of us who are older and have families and jobs, college is viewed as an education not a social life. Jackson continues with the common reasons as to adults returning to school and 18-21 year olds enrolling in school. She says that adults go back to get higher salary, career advancement and personal growth. 18-21 year olds go because of the pressures from parents, teachers, guidance counselors, for parties with peers, and an actual desire for higher learning to earn a college degree. This debate could continue on until we are blue in the face, some like online classes other prefer traditional classrooms. I really think it has to do with comfort and our learning styles. In conclusion, I have learned that just from my experience alone both ways of studying for me is better on ground classes. Being that everybody learning habits are best understood as a student on an on ground class this will show in the difference of the grade. With this capability we as individuals learning is a great thing, but knowing that learning ways fits well with what helps each person at the end of it all. In many points for me my grade is better as an on ground class then in online classes even though I enjoy both studying moments.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Natural Resources In Nigeria Environmental Sciences Essay

Natural Resources In Nigeria Environmental Sciences Essay The oil rich Nigerian economy, long limping by political unstability, corruption, and poor macroeconomic performance management, is undergo sufficiently substantial economic reform under the new civilian administration. Nigerias former military rulers failed to diversifying the economy away from overdependence on the capital intensive oil sector, which provides 20% of GDP, 95% of foreign exchange earnings, and about 65% of budgetary revenues in the country. The large subsistence agricultural sector have failed to keeping up with rapid population growth, and Nigeria, once a large net exporter of food, now must import food to support their satisfy needs. Following the signing of an IMF stand by agreement in August 2000, Nigeria received a debt restructuring deal from the Paris Club and a $1 billion loan from the IMF, both contingent on economic reforms. Increases in foreign investment and oil production combined with high world oil prices should push growth over 4% in 2001 and 2002. GDP: purchasing power parity $117 billion (2000 est.) GDP real growth rate: 3.5% (2000 est.) GDP per capita: purchasing power parity $950 (2000 est.) GDP composition by sector: agriculture: 40% industry: 40% services: 20% (1999 est.) Population below poverty line: 45% (2000 est.) Household income or consumption by percentage share: lowest 10%: 1.6% highest 10%: 40.8% (1996 and 1997) Inflation rate (consumer prices): 6.5% (2000 est.) Labor force: 66 million (1999 est.) Labor force by occupation: agriculture 70%, industry 10%, services 20% (1999 est.) Unemployment rate: 28% (1992 est.) Budget: revenues: $3.4 billion expenditures: $3.6 billion, including capital expenditures of $NA (2000 est.) Industries that implemented in Nigeria: crude oil, coal, tin, columbite, palm oil, peanuts, cotton, rubber, wood, hides and skins, textiles, cement and other construction materials, food products, footwear, chemicals, fertilizer, printing, ceramics, steel Industrial production growth rate: 1.5% (2000 est.) Electricity for production: 18.7 billion kWh (1999) Electricity for the production by source: fossil fuel: 52.94% hydro: 47.06% nuclear: 0% other: 0% (1999) Consumption of Electricity : 17.372 billion kWh (1999) Export of Electricity: 19 million kWh (1999) Electricity imports: 0 kWh (1999) Products of Agriculture: cocoa, peanuts, palm oil, corn, rice, sorghum, millet, cassava (tapioca), yams, rubber; cattle, sheep, goats, pigs; timber; fish Exports: $22.2 billion (f.o.b., 2000 est.) Exports commodities: petroleum and petroleum products 95%, cocoa, rubber Exports partners: US 36%, India 9%, Spain 8%, Brazil 6%, France 6%, (1999) Imports: $10.7 billion (f.o.b., 2000 est.) Imports commodities: machinery, chemicals, transport equipment, manufactured goods, food and live animals Imports partners: UK 11%, Germany 10%, US 9%, France 8%, China 6% (1999) Debt external: $32 billion (2000 est.) Economic aid recipient: ODA $250 million (1998) Currency: naira (NGN) Currency code: NGN Exchange rates: nairas per US dollar 110.005 (January 2001), 101.697 (2000), 92.338 (1999), 21.886 (1998), 21.886 (1997), 21.884 (1996) AGRICULTURE Currently, several activities are become implemented by the Ministry of Water Resources and Rural Development In Nigeria with in under planning of water supply, sustainable food production, and rural development. These include several plans : Formulation of the Irrigation Policy for Nigeria, its Formal irrigation started in Nigeria 21 years ago. However, a National policy on irrigation have not been produced again. This situation was become corrected by the preparation of an irrigation policy for the Nigeria country Surface and Groundwater Monitoring Under the National Fatima Development Programme: The main objective is to monitor and analyses the effect of groundwater exploitation for irrigation on flood plains in the semi-arid areas of the country in order to design effective and sustainable exploitation regimes for the various aquifers encountered. Work started in five pilot States in 1995 and is scheduled to be completed by September, 1997.This planning will also seek to ascertain the pollution potentials of the saturated groundwater zone due to the irrigation activities in the project area. The study, which will ultimately assist in the design of the groundwater exploitation plan for the project area is expected to be completed by the end of 1998. Survey and Inventory of Irrigation Projects in Nigeria: The aim is to obtain up to date information on irrigation development in Nigeria. It involves the collection, collation, compilation, and classification of irrigation projects in the country. The Government Of Nigeria, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources has embarked on a number of programmes aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development. The programmes and their associated activities are: 1. Agricultural Land Resource Programme: The objectives of this programme are to select suitable lands for the production of specific that can increase crops through soil survey and land evaluation. 2. National Seed Service (NSS) Programme: The objective of this programme is to produce high quality crops for Nigerian farmers within a commercial environment of sound certification and quality control and to sell high output quality seeds and seedlings of selected arable tree crops, namely oil palm, rubber, cotton, groundnut, soybeans, gum arabic, etc. Over 2,460 kg of foundation seeds have been produced by the project for Research Institutes and out growers respectively. 3. Agricultural Finance Programmes: This is another programme whose objective is to provide loans and credits to small scale farmers. This is done through some agricultural oriented financial institutions such as the Nigerian Agricultural Co-operative Bank (NACB), the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme (ACGS), and the Farmers Credit Scheme (FCS). Farmers have been supported financially through this programme for the purpose of increasing crop production. 4. Establishment of the Federal Agricultural Coordinating Unit (FACU): This Unit is primarily responsible for the provision of planning and implementation support to the activities of the ADP in the country. 5. The National Agricultural Research Project (NARP): This Planning was set up to strengthen the countrys agricultural research system and ensure availability of food through adequate domestic production in the country. Within the network of Agricultural Research Institutions, five handle food crops, three are for livestock; one (NSPRI) completes research on storage of agricultural and food products; while three handle mechanization research including the design, fabrication, and servicing of food processing machines. The impact of the NARP in boosting food production has not been sufficiently realized perhaps due to lack of adequate support and ineffective programme coordination. With recent reorganization and assured funding, NARP is expected to increase food production during the next decade. 6. The Strategic Reserve Scheme: At its second inception, the objective of this Scheme is to undertake the storage of excess grains during the harvest for release when prices are high in the market. This stabilizes the price and makes grains available all year round. 7. Establishment of the National Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA): The Governments main objective in establishing NALDA is to transform rural peasantry by mobilizing human resources and other support services to open up new lands for increased food production. The Authority has embarked on some activities (bush clearing, land preparation, farm infrastructure development, soil conservation and environmental issues, soil survey, evaluation, soil testing and capacity) to provide baseline data for agricultural related activities and advisory services to agricultural land users. The NALDA 1997 work plan proposes to open up more enclave farming communities during the operating season and will focus on land development in cooperation with the Agricultural Land Resource, Forestry, Department of Agriculture, and Agricultural Cooperative. FRESH WATER Nigeria have given high priority to its freshwater resources due to the growing concern at the increasing stress on water supplies caused by poor use patterns, affecting both water quality and quantity. Futher more, the Government through the Ministry of Water Resources and Rural Development, in Nigeria was undertaking a number of planning designed to protect the quality and supply of freshwater resources in the country to avoid some pollution.   In these cases, The low lying, flood prone areas near rivers that become of water resources and streams and in inland areas also will be attention from the Ministry. The twin problems of soil erosion and flood control are addressed through the Department of Soil Erosion and Flood Control. The agency was created in 1991 to oversee the mitigate these problems and the improvement area of devastated lands. The Federal Ministry of Water Resources and Rural Development responsibility to handles inland erosion and flooding, and the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing is responsible for marine flood control and erosion problems. Legislation and Regulations   For the the Integrated Water Resources Development and Management programme area, the Ministry has prepared the Water Resources Decree 101 of 1993 to give the legal framework for the development of the water resources in the country of Nigeria. The Decree places ultimate to responsibility for the proper development of the water resources on the Ministry of Water Resources and Rural Development in the country. Strategies, Policies and Plans  Ã‚   To the Integrated Water Resources Development and Management planning area, the government of Nigeria have prepared the Nations Water Resources Master Plan for the 1995-2020 period which was completed with the technical assistance of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) between 1992 and 1995 for the development in Nations water resources. If we can see in the past, the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation sub sector was totally not coordinated. At the same time, various methods and equipment were used with little or no thought given to the sustainability of the systems nor the ability of the benefit communities to operate and maintain them overall. The Strategy and Action Plan direction standards for the methods and equipment to be used to action. Policy of national water supply is completed and approved at the National Council on Water Resources and Rural Development meeting at Kaduna in November 1995 discuss about the sustainability of water. It provides the guidelines and direction towards development for water supply development up to the year 2015 become reality. One of the main problems is Flooding in one form or other affects at least more than 20% of the nations population, its faced both urban residents and rural dwellers. Flooding is a threat to physical infrastructures in the area, including residential accommodation, commercial, and industrial properties, roads, rail lines, bridges and so on. It also believed destroys all farmlands in Nigeria, including standing crops that is important for the farmer. Losses due to flooding run into billions of Naira per year and cost to improve its always increasingly. The future plans of Nigeria to achieve effective management of urban, river, and coastal flooding include a) Enforce compliance with town planning,urban laws,edicts b) Build embankments and levies along rivers and coastlines prone to flooding. c) Establish a rainstorm early warning system its can be remainder to community. d) Establish and monitor weather stations, and river and tidal gauges. e) Ensure appropriate management and maintenance of dams. f) Ensure proper maintenance of existing drainage channels. g) Enforce environmental sanitation laws in Nigeria. Other invasive weeds mostly can give effect to waterways. Currently hamper normal economic activities in reverie areas where the spread of the weeds have been exist and can block waterways. They also impend free river communication on waterways, and above all, the spread of the weed obstructs fishing activities and destroyed water quality. Nigerias future plans and strategy to eliminate the water hyacinth that can give pollution and other invasive plants in all water systems is to: a) Inventory the spread of water hyacinth and other invasive weeds in all the river systems; b) Develop an infestation index map to determine control options; e) adopt an appropriate integrated control option to ensure that the weeds are no longer a menace; and f) encourage sub-regional cooperation. Approval is pending for the study of the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources with Particular Reference to Flood Susceptible and Drought Prone Areas. This project has been submitted to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for their participation. GEMS or Water Nigeria is a important component of the Global Environmental Monitoring System with the overall objective of monitoring the quality of freshwater supply throughout in Nigeria. The programme is support by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO). It can be monitors some water parameters and provides information on the suitability usage of water for human routine consumption, agricultural, commercial in business, and industrial uses. Several of the activities under the planning focus on a) Strengthening National water quality monitoring in Nigeria; b) Improve analytical capabilities and data quality assured; c) Addressing critical freshwater quality issues in order to propose policy options and control measures for the development and d) Assisting participating laboratories by the provision of technical advice, analytical reference samples, and training opportunities. The Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) is coordinating the programme within the country. Participating several agencies include the National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (NIFFR), New Busa and the National Water Resources Institute (NWRI), Kaduna. A network of stations on rivers, lakes, and reservoirs has been established with instrumentation for the purpose of collecting samples for analysis and development in treatment water quality. FORESTS In term of natural resources in forests, Effective mechanisms are being developed to harmonize cross sectoral policies related to forestry for example the famous forestry is, environment, agriculture, livestock, fishery and so on. Presently, the National Forest Policy is being reviewed under the aegis of the recently created Ministry of Environment. The Federal Department of Agricultural Land Resources (FDALR) is currently, on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), articulating Agricultural Land Use and Practices Policy for the improvement in the country for development areas in Nigeria. Legislation and Regulations   There is no Land Use Policy in the country. There is however, a Land Use Act. States are being encourage to derive their legislation from the national framework made by government. A national forest and wildlife law is being developed and implemented with the involvement of all stakeholders in the country. There is have no forest certification practice in the country. However, we can see that public involvement on forest certification is being articulation in the proposed revised policy which will encourage private sector and NGO participation in the public involvement. It is become proposed that a National Working Group (NWG) on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) and certification be set up to finalize the criteria or indicators for development Sustainable Forest Management in the country. The activities that implemented promote the use of forest products in place of products made of non renewable materials: Impose low tariff on wood products Impose for the Reasonable pricing of wood products Must Under valuation of forest products Impose High cost of non-renewable materials especially energy Value system and traditional beliefs preference in taste for food or delicacy prepared with fuelwood. Strategies, Policies and Plans  Ã‚   Nigeria started implemented the National Forestry Action Plan (NFAP) in around 1990 with the assistance joint of FAO and a grant of US $690,000 from UNDP. At the same time, to ensure the greatest commitment and supporting at the highest and at all levels of Government in Nigeria, the National Advisory Council that assisted by a National Technical Committee, was become inaugurate generally in 1994. The project was concluded in 1995 and the final NFAP report has been submitted. The next stage is to use the report to canvass for international funding from donors to implement the action plans made by government. The annual rate of deforestation in Nigeria is of major concern and a viable option to mitigating this is through implementation and made enforcement of sound Forest Policy in Nigeria. Towards achieve this objective , the country is in the process of review her 1988 Forest Policy. Also being prepared is Environmental Guidelines on Logging and Fuelwood Extraction in Nigeria. It is hoped that when these two instruments are enforced Nigeria would achieve attain sustainable development in economic and utilization of her natural forest resources. A workshop in agricultural land use and become practices have been conducted and proceedings printed to implementation. Sectoral meetings have been held to articulate and review key areas to be addressed in the policy that implemented. This area are now become subjected to further deliberations with a view to synthesizing the issues that can form the main instrument of the policy. Its will be later reviewed by the Legal Unit before as a whole package is developed for further deliberation and enactment by the National Assembly to become process. As Presently, the country have different policies within sub sectors of agriculture and the environment involved in land use in Nigeria. There is need for integrated planning and management of all rural development programmes there. This will be reduce conflicts and guarantee better resources use. At the same time, some international organizations include the FAO, World Bank (IMF) , UNDP, ADB, DFID (ODA), Ford Foundation, for example, strategies have been formulated and developed for effective and efficient in sustainable management of a number of forest reserves in Nigeria. In recognition of the changing strategy for natural resources management, the national forest and wildlife policy is become reviewed to make its implementation more efficient and to be better respond to emerging issues in forest sustainability development in the area. The review also towards supporting, the productivity of small holder farmers and to improve access to credit and other inputs that needs. The strategy to achieve the target of 25% of the land area as forest is to: Impose to Ban the export of log wood until the 25% reserve forest cover is achieved; Provide a policy and institutional framework favorable for private investment in trees and forest resource management; Effort to Increasing community participation in forest management and utilization in the country. Establish sum of total of 15 million ha of plantation for various purposes such as shelterbelts, watershed conservation, forest fruit trees, Gum Arabic. Promote agro forestry with multi purpose tree species to diversify farm produce and improve the soil environment; Encourage private sector industrial plantations especially in already degraded forest estates; Adoption protection forestry development strategies which includes shelterbelt establishment, afforestation of eroded sites, stabilization of sand dunes. Promote community woodlots which could include forest fruit trees as whole and fuel wood plantations Improve efficiency of the use of fuel wood Manufacture affordable bio-mass stoves; Developed alternative sources of energy such as solar energy for good environment Effort to support research into conservation and improvement of soil, genetic resources, silviculture, utilization of forest products, agro forestry, wildlife, and afforestation of difficult sites To Support human resources development in the country. It is proved that Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) contributed development substantially to the rural economy and hence strategies are being developed for the achievement of high potential NTFPs in each ecological area of the country. Its no compensate is provided for forest owners who market environmental benefits to the society generally. Incentives will be given to provided to enable them to manage their forest more better and sustainably, at the same time to facilitating their access for the improved tree seeds in their communities. LAND The policy objectives that implemented and mandate of the Nigerian Department of Agricultural Land Resources, established in 1980, have been refocused since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) to cover sound planning and management of land resources consistent with the provisions of Agenda 21. This planning become more importance to manage resources of land correctly and efficient. Erosion is a continuous process. Once started, there is urgent need to stabilize all existing erosion sites to stem the rate of soil degradation and loss of lands, forest resources, and property. In addition, there is a need to restore all those badlands and gullies that are amenable to restoration. The Nigerian strategy is to overcome this problems is a) Prepare and implemented a comprehensive National policy on soil, coastal erosion, and flood control in the country b) Formulate and to enforcing regulations for soil and water conservation especially in erosion prone areas that identify. c) Try to Complete National watershed delineation and characterization for use as a basic for developing and implemented an aggressive management and enforcement programme to protect and maintain the quality of the nations area lands, water, and coastal resources in all areas in Nigeria. d) Prepare a intermittent master plan for the importance management of soil and coastline erosion and flood, and giving advise the Federal Government on the financial requirements for plan implementation. e) Complete possibility and scientific studies on soil erosion and its related flood problems for the design of appropriate integrated recovery control measures. f) Complete public awareness campaigns on the dangers of environmental degradation arising from poor land and water management practices. g) Provide and promote training on environmental issues as they relate to flood, erosion, land degradation, and water conservation. h) Promote integrated ecosystem management for agriculture, land use, soil and water conservation, rural development, and coastal resources management including environmentally sound recreational use. i) Consolidate National capacity by personnel development, provision of training facilities and research on prevention climate related ecological problems in ecosystem. j) Consolidate capacity of the Environmental Management Support System (EMSS) for remote sensing data gathering, GIS facilities, and development of a disaster/environmental data bank. k) Effort to Support agro forestry and integrated coastal zone management. l) Encourage planted fallow in abandoned farmlands using soil enriching species. Its associated activities are a source of considerable environmental damage to surface water, groundwater, and land. Health and safety risks are also considerable for people working in mines or living close by. The resulting deterioration of the environment and human health, are seen in existing mining wastelands all over the country, especially in the Middle Belt States, including Plateau, Bauchi, Niger, as well as Borno, Yobe, Adamawa, and Enugu. The degradation of the natural environment has a negative effect on the long term growth potential of the country, even though immediate economic benefits are being derived by individual enterprises. It is important, therefore, that all approvals to initiate mining should be carried out in an environmentally sound manner, so as to minimize negative impacts. In addition, all abandoned and closed mining sites should be reclaimed. The strategy to achieve this involves: a) Developing an inventory of all existing and closed mining sites; b) Enforcing compliance regulation with all National Mining Laws and Regulations, especially the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Law, the Safety Code and Accident Prevention Regulations that must be implemented c) Enforcing mining wasteland reclamation measures for closed mining sites. d) Providing financial incentives to helps and encourage the reclamation of abandoned mining sites. e) Encourage public participation in community through dialogue with affected communities and other directly interested parties on the environmental aspects of different phases of mining activities in the country. f) Adopting environmental sound mining technology and practices in all phases of mining activities, especially appropriate technologies to reduced environmental impacts, including those from small scale mining operations in the area. g) Building capacity in environmental management in the mining industry. Soils in Nigeria are variable due to variations in the geology and climate. Most predominant in the country are the utisols which cover about 46% of the total area of the country in Nigeria. Such soil performs very well under good planning and management though it is of moderate to low productivity in income of production. When we analysis Only 6% of the country is covered by entisol, the high productive soil in the all areas. Nigeria have been category into eight Land Resource Zones, namely semi arid, dry sub humid, subhumid, humid, very humid, ultra humid, plateau, and mountain zones. Among them if we can see, if not all of this ecological fields have witnessed pressure resulting from uncontrolled in socioeconomic activities leaving a large proportion of the land parched in Nigeria . From perspective ecological and economic standpoints, soil erosion is probably the most serious give environmental problem and its can be affecting negative effect on the nations soil and land resources in Nigeria.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

booking agreement :: essays research papers

BOOKING AGREEMENT This agreement ("Agreement") is mutually agreed upon by _________________ also known as_________________ ("Talent") and _________________, representative of _________________ ("Promoter") on the _________________ (date of Agreement). 1. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY TALENT a) Provide at least a 60 minute DJing appearance at a dance party ("Event") located in the _________________ (city and state/country) geographic area on _________________ ("Date") between the hours of _________________ (start time) and _________________ (end time) ("Time"). 2. SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE PROMOTER a) Promoter agrees to provide all entertainment at the Event other than Talent. b) Promoter agrees to provide a venue for the Event, all necessary permits and licenses to lawfully conduct the Event, including obtaining and paying all work visas for Talent as necessary, and all equipment for the operation of the Event and the performance by Talent. c) Promoter agrees to contact the following travel agent to make any and all necessary arrangements for prompt payment of airline costs incurred in Talent's transportation to and from Event: _____________________ (travel agent) ______________(phone number) for travel reservations from _________________ to _________________ and back, to arrive on _________________ (arrival date), no later than three (3) hours prior to Event, and to depart on _________________ (departure date) on_________________ (airline). d) Promoter agrees to provide Talent hotel accommodations with a checkout time no earlier than three (3) hours before the airline departure time, consisting of ___ room(s) with 24 hour room service for a period of ____ night(s). e) Promoter agrees to provide transportation, car service, or shuttle for Talent to and from airports and Event location. If Talent handles any transportation costs, Promoter agrees to promptly reimburse Talent for the reasonable costs of such transportation. f) Promoter agrees to provide a sober, (i.e. not intoxicated or inebriated by alcohol, narcotics and/or otherwise), responsible, trusted person ("Driver"), in their employ to escort Talent to and from hotel, airport, venue, etc. as well as to assist her in the event of problems checking in hotel, getting in venue, boarding flight, etc. g) Driver is required to remain "on call" by way of cellular communication and/or pager throughout the duration of Talent's stay, be in possession of a valid driver's license, hold current auto insurance on vehicle driven in amounts customary and reasonable and be in possession of detailed directions both to, from and including hotel, airport and Event location. 3. COMPENSATION OF TALENT a) Promoter shall pay Talent the sum of $____.__ in US dollars ("Fee") for the rendering of service(s) hereunder.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Contrasting Romance Novels and Pornography: Male and Female Preference

Contrasting Romance Novels and Pornography: Male and Female Preferences I don’t think I’ve ever read a romance novel, not for school, and certainly not for my own enjoyment. Although I’m not much into pornography either, I get much more excited looking at visual images of attractive women than if I were simply reading about them. Growing up, I remember the opposite to be true for my older sister, who often had romance novels lying around in her room. The contrasts between romance novels and pornography underscore how different female and male erotic fantasies are. These differences reflect human evolutionary history and the disparate sexual selection pressures women and men experience. According to our course handbook and as evidenced throughout history, men have been larger, and thus, the hunters. The role of women has been that of the gatherer, and also the rearing of offspring. To aid men during hunts for food, natural selection has led males to develop enhanced spatial and visual skills, to better coordinate their attacks. Females instead, have developed better verbal and language skills for communication. Since men have adapted to become more responsive to visual stimuli, male sexual fantasies have become dominated by visual imagery, while female sexual fantasies place emphasis on the personal characteristics of the partner and the emotional context of the encounter. The pornography industry has changed little since Victorian times, it is almost exclusively aimed at males (heterosexual and homosexual); it is overwhelmingly visual; involves many different youthful and attractive partners, and provides instant sexual gratification without the need for emotional commitment. On the other hand, romance novels ... ...ductive success (Galanti 2003). Mass-market pornography aimed at men, and romance novels for women feed off the basic desires of each sex. Variety, and young, visually attractive women are what men wish for, while women enjoy the romance and emotional involvement of intimate relationships. These preferences are fundamental in their sexual behavior, and have evolved throughout history. Works Cited Galanti, G. (2003). Evolutionary Perspective on Sex and Gender, Basic Concepts. CSULA. Kastleman, Mark. (2003). How internet pornographers market to women vs men. Salmon, Catherine. (2003). Warrior Lovers: Erotic fiction, evolution and female sexuality. London: Yale University Press. Symons, Donald. (1979). The Evolution of Human Sexuality. New York: Oxford University Press.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dead Men In Literature :: essays research papers

The Dead Man and the Cure   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The desert was the apotheosis of all deserts, huge expanding into dusty nothingness in all directions. The dying man walked and his footfalls puffed indifferently. He did not know how much longer his feet or his soul would carry him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His death was certain, for they all had told him. He knew his doom and the incurable pain of the world gone mad. He had visited the church and the ones in robes said he was damned by whatever gods they prayed to. He had studied at the academy in an attempt to find answers to his affliction, but found only the stench of scholarly bull-shit. He had placed his heart in the hand of whore-oracles in a quest for the one solution only to be shattered and sucked like a dry husk. He grew closed to the death and the depth of being, which he hated.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He had come to the desert with dead eyes and will to burn. He walked the walk of the last rited and welcomed the sting of the dry sand when it would touch his lips.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He walked on and felt the last essence drain the will removing itself. He stared into the open space of a cold- fire heaven fell to his knees and performed the act of contrition for he had embraced the fate of the hollow empty man he had become. In gasp he fell total into the flatness of the wasteland and waited to die. The world was colorless to him before, but now it was black.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Later in the curious muse of time a dark natty haired French-man and his beautiful companion with a case came upon the fallen man. The French-man took one look at the man and knew what he must do. The French-man leaned over and placed a small magic plastic puck in the man’s flannel and showed him the life of fun and camaraderie like a brother. They showed him the gift of crazy times, the Zen of air-hockey, and appreciation of odd theatre. Still he lay and they walked away, but before the French-man left he yelled â€Å"SHOTGUN!† The dead man stirred the tiniest bit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Next a woman loud and wild came to the man. She picked up his head which where the skin had pulled tight against his body opened his lips and placed a small brightly colored piece of candy in his mouth.

Monday, September 16, 2019

 Tablets versus Textbooks Essay

One in three adults own a tablet. As tablets are becoming more and more common a new debate has formed over whether K-12 school districts should switch from print textbooks to digital textbooks on tablets. The first benefit of digital textbooks is that students will have new information at their fingertips. The second benefit is that high level education prefers tablets. The negative about having a tablet is that many people don’t have wi-fi. As you can see, the benefits out-weigh the negatives by far and there really should be no debate. On a tablet e-textbooks can be updated instantly to get new editions or information. Schools will not have to constantly buy new copies, which few public schools buy due to the high prices of textbooks. Most public schools still have history books from when Bush was president. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said that, â€Å"too many students are using books that are 7-10 years old with outdated material.† Subjects are especially beneficiary to subjects that constantly change, such as Science and History. On e-textbooks new editions and new information can be constantly at your fingertips. High-level education officials prefer tablets over textbooks. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan and Federal Communications Commission chair Julius Genachowski said on February 1, 2012 that schools and publishers should â€Å"switch to digital textbooks within five years to foster interactive education, save money on books, and ensure classrooms in the US use up-to-date content.† The federal government, in collaboration with several tech organizations, released a seventy-page guide for schools called the â€Å"Digital Textbook Playbook,† a â€Å"roadmap for educators to accelerate the transition to digital textbooks.† Some say that using tablets is more expensive than using print textbooks. Putting tablets in K-12 schools involves buying the tablet and the textbooks, building new wi-fi structures, and training administrators how to use the technology. Costs for e-textbooks on IPad tablets are 552% higher than new print textbooks in an average high school. A prominent education marketing expert Lee Wilson, estimated the annual cost per student per year to be seventy-one dollars and fifty-five cents versus fourteen dollars and twenty-six cents for print textbooks. Although, this is true they are thinking of the now and not keeping in mind the later. Right now, yes that much money will be spent but in the long haul it will add up to save you money. Just in a year E-textbooks can save schools between two-hundred and fifty dollars and one thousand dollars per student per year. Also, tablet prices are dropping as the years go by, making them even more affordable. Tablets cost on average four-hundred and eighty-nine dollars in 2011, three hundred and eighty-six dollars in 2012, and are projected to cost two hundred and sixty-three dollars in 2015. In the end using tablets is less expensive than using textbooks. As times are changing it’s important that we roll with the times. Using tablets in school will help supply students with new information all the time and high level education prefers them. Some may have wrong interpretations of them being more expensive than textbooks but as you read, they are not. Clark, Alli. â€Å"Online Textbooks: Friend or Foe? – Private Tutoring and Test Prep – Educational Connections.† Private Tutoring and Test Prep Educational Connections. N.p., 3 Sept. 2013. Web. 07 Oct. 2013. â€Å"LEAD Commission.† Lead Commission, Np., Nd. Web 27, September 2013. Long, Julie. â€Å"IT Solutions Blog.† 9 Benefits Of Classroom Technology: Ebooks. N.p., 28 June 2013. Web. 07 Oct. 2013.


Mang Inasal Philippines is the Philippine's fastest growing barbeque fast food chain, serving chicken, pork barbeque and other Filipino favorites, was first established on December12,2003 in Iloilo City. It operates quick service. It specializes in chicken inasal an various pinoy products. The company’s menu include pinoy palamigs, pinoy and keso burger, beef singangs, and bangus sinigangs. And they also serve pork barbeque and other Filipino favorites.Mang Inasal, innovation is important because competition in the fast food industry is very tight. Product innovation is a must as it adds value to the company since products are being offered to the market for attention, acquisition orconsumption that may satisfy a need or want. In this case product innovation is done toget the attention of customers and most especially the non-customers of the company sothat they will have a chance to steal some market share of their competitors.As the saying goes, â€Å"the test of the puddin g is in the eating. † It is imperative for Mang Inasal, being in the fast food industry, to offer its customers with good food. They must thenmake sure that the taste, which the customers have grown accustomed, should bemaintained and standardized, to keep the customers hooked and coming back for more. Freshness and quality of ingredients should also be maintained as part of maintaininghigh standards with their products.Pricing also is an important to consider given that thetarget market of Mang Inasal is considered to be price sensitive. Any sudden and drasticchange in price might push the customers to find other food providers. And in theindustry that Mang Inasal is in, there many others than can provide Mang Inasal customers with other alternatives. It must then be ensured that products of Mang Inasal are priced in a way that highlights value at the same time, still affordable to its customers. The improvements and innovation in the product and services must be continuous.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analyzing The House on Mango Street

Sandra Cisneros’ â€Å"The House on the Mango Street† weaves a thought-provoking, coming-of-age tale of a young girl. She is not only struggling to grow up to become a fine lady like usual American girls, but she is faced with shame, guilt and disappointment as her family is embarking on to acquire a new home in America. As the story comes to a full circle, the readers would inevitably commiserate with how the girl dealt with the scenarios she had faced.She did not only have to go through the complicated journey with her family to their new home, but she has to deal with the big disappointment that their new house is not what she hoped for. These difficulties definitely fanned some fire inside her – to become more determined and strive harder in the future. In the end, readers could predict her utter frustration why things are always tough for immigrant people like them in America. Related essay: Shame is Worth a TryPoint of View, Setting and CharactersSandra Cisnero’s â€Å"The House on Mango Street† has the ability to pinch one’s heart because the narrator’s point of view belongs to a young girl. Her family has to undergo an awkward transition of looking for a permanent place to live. Readers will immediately infer that the young girl’s family has Chicano roots because the girl enumerated the members of the family in beginning her story — Papa, Mama, Carlos, Kiki and Nenny.What’s admirable about Cisnero’s conversational style of story-writing is that everyone can relate to their experiences. At one point in anyone’s life, we all can identify with the travails of going through a house transfer. Anyone’s initial reaction will be to feel excited of how our new house will look like or who our new neighbors will be. Unfortunately, for the young girl, she is bound to be betrayed by her own expect ations.The setting of the story takes place in a suburb where Chicanos are living in. We can assume that this community is filled with Mexicans, Puerto Ricans or any previous residents of South American countries. These people, like all other immigrants, will always want to stay close to people who would understand them. Since this community is not the usual American neighborhood with homes that have freshly-mown lawns and white picket fences, the narrator is still hoping for the best about the house her father got them in Mango Street.For the narrator, Mango Street is more than street sign; it is her marker that circumscribes the dream that she and her family had brought with them. Her father and mother challenged themselves to cross their country of origin to United States, just to be assured of a better future. This new house will simply be one aspect of attaining their dream — to have a more comfortable life in this new place, in this new country. At the start, we can alm ost smell her overflowing relief of receiving the news about the new house.The narrator justifies that finally they no longer have to pay the rent, â€Å"share the yard with the people downstairs† and there won’t be anymore â€Å"landlord banging in the ceiling with a broom†. However, when she saw the house in Mango Street, she was disappointed. She becomes aware of her own subjective perceptions as she begins to differentiate her family’s wonderful dreams and society’s ugly realities. Thus, she becomes conscious of her parents’ inability to fulfill their promises of the perfect house. She thought that â€Å"They always told us that one day we would move into a house, a real house† (p. 223). However, the â€Å"real house† the narrator expected would be â€Å"like the houses on TV†:Our house would be white with trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a fence. This was the house Papa talked about when h e held a lottery ticket and this was the house Mama dreamed up in the stories she told us before we went to bed.But the house on Mango Street is not the way she told it at all (p. 224).Anyone could just imagine the look on her face when she saw their new house. The new house is just the opposite of what she expected. This fact also corresponds to the direct opposition to the words of her parents. This contrast between expectation and reality awakens her awareness of herself as a social being and provokes her own interpretations of the significance the house holds in her life.ThemeApparently, when the narrator saw the house on Mango Street, it transformed from being a symbol of hope to become a symbol of poverty. The narrator associates this realization with the humiliation she has felt in the past, when her family lived in similar places. She recollected back in Lonnis when a nun from her school accosted her:Where do you live? she asked.There, I said, pointing up to the third floor. You live there?There. I had to look to where she pointed–the third, the paint peeling, wooden bars Papa had nailed on the windows so we wouldn’t fall out.You live there? The way she said it made me feel like nothing. There. I lived there. I nodded (p. 224).We recognize that the society has been pushing the girl to feel ashamed of living in houses her family could afford to pay for. It is such a pity how people show obvious contempt to living spaces, when they should be more concerned how a young girl would feel in seeing their negative reactions. It is inevitable that the girl will be ashamed of her entire social and subjective position. Now, the narrator in the story sees the house as a symbol of the shame that threatens her own self-perception. For her, the house on Mango Street is an emblem of the oppressive socio-economic situation that circumscribes her life and is the source of her feelings of alienation. It is this alienation that becomes a catalyst for her desi re to distance herself from this house she does not to be associated with.Unfortunately, the house also becomes the narrator’s first universe. She begins here because it is the beginning of her conscious narrative reflection. She describes the house from the outside; this external depiction is an unkempt and negative description of the house that would translate to her presentation of her own self: She said â€Å"I knew then I had to have a house. A real house. One I could point to† (p. 234).By pointing to this dilapidated house, she points to herself: the house and narrator become identified as one, thereby revealing an ideological perspective of poverty and shame. Consequently, she wants to point to another house and this means she desires to point at another self. And as she longs for this other house and self, she also longs for another name. The dilemma of having this perception is that she will never have an opportunity to inhabit a special house and to fit into and find comfort. This is because her name, origins and culture will never be erased inside her.Stories of immigrants, like this, reveal the difficulties faced by the Latino population as they move in America in search of employment or to be reunited with family. Stories of women staring out of windows or having too many babies, trapped indoors because of jealous husbands, and unable to speak English, reveal both their fear of the dominant culture and the oppression of the patriarchal system in society.Tone and StyleThe story is light to read because it is meant to be narrated by a young girl. It is deemed that she is between 9 to 11 years old. She is doing all the narration in the story and it is her point of view that is magnified. The narrative situation is a familiar one: a sensitive young girl's reflections about her struggle between what she is and what she would like to be. She has voiced out that she wanted a new house where they can have their own room. However, because of their financial difficulties, she is bound to swallow her pride and just accept the dilapidated new house. Although deep inside her, she refuses to give up on her dreams and the hope that someday her family will have those houses she sees on TV.The frame of Cisnero’s short paragraphs is simple but highly effective. We could easily understand the whole story that the family has been wandering from place to place, always dreaming of the Promised Land, which is represented by having their own decent house. When they finally arrive at the house on Mango Street, which is at last their own house, it is not their promised dream home at all. The parents overcome their dejection by saying that this is not the end of their moving, that it is only a temporary stop before going on to the promised house.The narrator knows better. The conflict between the promised home and the harsh reality, which she always recognized, has been replaced by a full force of rejection, violence, fear and was te. Cisneros’ presented these emotions without compromise and without dramatization. This is just the way things are on Mango Street, but the narrator will not give up her dream of the promised house and she is determined to pursue it. The lesson she must learn is that the house she seeks is, in reality, her own individuality.ConclusionGrowing up in a place where you do not belong can be a depressing experience. Especially children, they will never seriously attempt to dissect their feelings and attitudes about being different to the people they see on TV and people they see around them.Thus, we all know now that Cisnero’s story is not just about dilapidated houses and â€Å"dream homes†. It could be linked to the girl’s status of growing up in America. Can she still achieve her dreams when she is living in shame and disappointment? Would her family be able to rise up from poverty? As America has transformed to become a melting pot of cultures, people hav e to be aware of this diversity. Cisnero’s story is just one slice of life that most immigrants in the United States have experienced. Indeed, we can learn from all these disappointments, shame and challenges we face.However, it is through understanding, knowing and respecting the diverse culture of our country that we could somehow ease the difficulties of immigrant people who have chosen to achieve their dreams here. Thus, in this story, Cisneros created a narrator, a storyteller and a mythmaker who draws upon old tales and new experiences to create the dreams of the culturally diverse neighborhoods in America.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Internal and External Conflicts

The Scarlet Letter: Internal and External Conflicts In the novel, the Scarlet Letter, there are four main characters, Hester Prynne, Pearl Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Prynne Chillingworth. The story goes; Hester Prynne committed the sin of adultery with the minister of their Puritan Community, Arthur Dimmesdale, the community then condemning her to wear the scarlet letter â€Å"A† for the rest of her natural life. Pearl Prynne being the product of the two sinners. In the moment, when Hester is completing the first part of her punishment, her long lost husband, Roger Prynne Chillingworth, arrives.Not wanting his arrival acknowledge Roger replaces his maiden name for Chillingworth. This situation creates a whole plot of conflicts both external and internal in all of the four main characters. All main characters in the novel interact to create these conflicts, and the community is as well involved in these conflicts. Hester Prynne is pointed out as the protagonist/heroin e of the novel. Being one of the main characters in the story she had many conflicts. One internal conflict of hers would be the embarrassment and the realization of her present and future. In chapter 2 paragraph 22 it states, â€Å"Could it be true? she turned her eyes downward at the scarlet letter, and even touched it with her finger, to assure herself that the infant and shame were real. Yes! – these were her realities, – all else had vanished. † In this quote she realized that everything happening to her was in fact the real deal. Stating the obvious of course, but she had just been in prison and had the birth of her child! This is an internal conflict because this does have her dealing with the pain in her heart of wearing the symbol â€Å"A† or taking care of a child with the father unknown to the public.This leading to another internal conflict for Madame Prynne, that being having to raise little Pearl all on her own. Living the life of a single m other is quite difficult during that time and in a Puritan Community. Considering how people of the settlement react to Hester’s given situation, and how she does not give the father of Pearl a name to the community. This is an internal conflict because Hester is emotionally hurt on raising the product of two as a single mother. She has to face the community by herself for the first few years of the situation. Hence an external conflict for Ms.Prynne with her own community. The Puritans had isolated her apart from everyone else and had judged her since the moment she had stepped out of the prison doors. Her own peers were judging her for the sin she had done, as if they were not sinful themselves. Yet they judged someone they used to socialize and talk to as dear friends. Friends of hers would think her punishment as injustice that she deserved more than a three hour standing and the natural life bearing of the scarlet letter. The judging of her entire community had caused he r to become isolated, leading to be socially inactive.The scarlet letter was a reminder of all this conflict. Hester also had an external conflict with her husband, Roger Chillingworth. This being how while standing on the platform of the pillory, spotted her husband and the physical body language winced at the look, showing the tension brought on by the first thought â€Å"stranger†. Terror had coursed through her at the sight of him! Hester Prynne dealt with her internal and external conflicts quite discreetly, made it seem as if she was okay, but really wasn’t emotionally. Pearl Prynne is the outcome of the sin committed.As a young child, she too also had conflicts to deal with. An internal conflict of young Pearl would have to deal with how she was born and how she is being raised. A quote to follow that statement would be in chapter 6 paragraph 1, â€Å"We have as yet hardly spoken of the infant, that little creature whose innocent life had sprung†¦ out of t he rank luxuriance of a guilty pleasure. † This quote also coincides with an external conflict as well, the conflict being on how the society considers her a â€Å"demon child† or â€Å"elf-child witch†.She was born in a prison, and is being raised in a cottage that is nowhere near the village where all the other children grow up. When people call her such things, she does hear, so this hurts her emotionally and makes this an internal conflict for she must deal with the feelings of being different and judged by others. Since she is isolated from that part of a normal childhood, her only friend in the novel growing up is her mother. This being another internal conflict because she grew knowing her mother always wears the scarlet letter, and is in a certain community that has rules about women.Now in the novel, chapter 17, Hester takes off a garment that covers her hair and removes the scarlet letter from her bosom. Pearl seeing this throws a tantrum for her mother to undo this doing. Causing a major internal conflict of how Pearl sees her mother and dealing with what her mother’s symbols stand for. Pearl mocks her mother for that. There’s an external conflict created by Pearl towards Dimmesdale for when he is conversing with Hester in the forest and he dwells for a kiss, but Pearl refrains. Pearl is a strange child, for she knows something must be going on.Roger Prynne Chillingworth is the antagonist of the novel. His conflicts would seem different than the other main characters’ conflicts. For instance one internal conflict of his would be his thoughts of revenge. Chillingworth has this monomaniacal desire for revenge on the â€Å"unknown† father. His plans were dedicated to finding out who the father was, and he always had an eye out for Dimmesdale though. His thoughts of revenge then turned to thoughts of evil and madness. Evil then being another internal conflict created within Chillingworth.For example in cha pter 10 paragraph 3 it states, â€Å"This man†¦ pure as they deem him, – all spiritual as he seems, – hath inherited a strong animal nature from his father or his mother. Let us dig a little further in the direction of this vein! † This provides emphasizes on Chillingworth going an extra mile to fully satisfy his needs of torturing Dimmesdale with the truth. With this information this kind of gives Chillingworth a â€Å"devil-like figure† in this novel. An external conflict to support the â€Å"devil-like figure† would be his dabbling in natural chemicals and medicine.Even though it seems as harmless as a puppy or kitten it does kill. Naturally that was his cause of death in the end. A further approach to an external conflict would be the one referring back to when Hester was on the pillory. The great tension of their eye contact is a ball buster, and when he touches his lips with a finger verifying her silence, it physically shows he would ha ve a problem with her speaking up of his presence. Arthur Dimmesdale is the minister who commits adultery with Hester Prynne.This is at upmost worst position he can be in, considering that he is a minister of a Puritan community. An internal conflict that he must deal with is his guilt. Throughout the novel, he must watch Hester suffer through the public humiliation and feels guilty that he has left her all alone in raising Pearl. He is guilty of sin, but had not paid the price by the magistrates for he did not tell. He dealt with this guilty another way, which leads to an external conflict. The external conflict being he hurt himself physically to let out the guilt and basically punished himself.For instance in chapter 23 paragraph 23 it says, â€Å"With a convulsive motion he tore away the ministerial band from before his breast. It was revealed! But it were irrelevant to describe that revelation. For an instant the gaze of the horror-stricken multitude was concentrated on the gh astly miracle; while the minister stood†¦, as one who, in the crisis of acutest pain, had won a victory. † This emphasizes the external conflict and internal because he was one full of guilt had come out and finally revealed the truth to the rest of his parishioners, which he could not do in the beginning.Hence an external conflict with the community. When Dimmesdale would try and attempt to tell the Puritans, it would backfire because all of them thought so highly of him, especially when he said he was not perfect and had done things that weren’t so likely of their Lord. Showing how much respect they have for him, but for so long Dimmesdale had kept it in they were all so shocked at his sin in the end. Then explaining another internal conflict that Dimmesdale has, which is how much of a coward and weak he really.He had so many opportunities to tell the truth and speak out, but never took them because he was afraid of what might happen. In one way it could be that he did it to protect Hester and Pearl, but in another way it would seem quite selfish he did it to protect himself. On the whole, every character had to deal with their conflicts both internally and externally. For Hester and Pearl was to be treated differently from the community. For Roger Chillingworth it was revenge and his relationship with Hester. For Arthur Dimmesdale was dealing with his guilt. Most of the conflicts however did coincide with other main characters.Santos, Eliana The Scarlet Letter Essay: Internal and External Conflict Work Cite 1. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. Mineola, N. Y. : Dover Publications, Inc. , 1994. â€Å"Could it be true? †¦ she turned her eyes downward at the scarlet letter, and even touched it with her finger, to assure herself that the infant and shame were real. Yes! – these were her realities, – all else had vanished. † (Hawthorne 41) â€Å"We have as yet hardly spoken of the infant, that little creature w hose innocent life had sprung†¦ out of the rank luxuriance of a guilty pleasure. (Hawthorne 61) â€Å"This man†¦ pure as they deem him, – all spiritual as he seems, – hath inherited a strong animal nature from his father or his mother. Let us dig a little further in the direction of this vein! † (Hawthorne 89) â€Å"With a convulsive motion he tore away the ministerial band from before his breast. It was revealed! But it were irrelevant to describe that revelation. For an instant the gaze of the horror-stricken multitude was concentrated on the ghastly miracle; while the minister stood†¦, as one who, in the crisis of acutest pain, had won a victory. † (Hawthorne 175)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 20

Case Study Example Created in the contract were a series of award fees eligible to Textron at the end of each of the performance period based on its performance during that period. However, the decision as to the amount that Textron would receive and if so how much was left to the discretion of the Fee Determining Official ("FDO") based on the FDOs assessment of Textrons performance in several specified areas. It was a struggle funding the project, since from summer of 1985 up to the end of 1987 Textrons expenditures under the contract exceeded the allocated funding. Even before the award of the contract, the contracting officer made it clear to Textron that there was a possibility of the SDI[O] stopping the funding of EMRLD. The problem became worse in 1987 when both SDIO and Air Force stopped funding the project. After completing its close up work, Textron on December 19, 1990 submitted a termination settlement proposal to the government requesting $13,428,348 over and above the $113,479,301 paid to date under the contract. The CPAF contract called for a zero base fee and an as award fee not subject to the Termination or disputes clauses as to the payment and amount of the award fee. During the course of the contract, the contracting officer repeatedly reminded Textron that the LOF clause in the contract remained in effect. The language of the contract did not allow Textron to receive any extra amount after the termination b of the contract. According to the court’s rationale, Textron failed to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that it was in deed eligible for the extra payment. According to the language of the contract, the court ruled in favor of the government. Since Textron was aware of the likelihood of the government stopping the funding of the project, and as expressed in the contract that there would be no award of the termination fee, then the court ruled in

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Human Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Motivation - Essay Example Psychological distress is common in patients with all forms of cancer and furthermore, the symptoms of depression overlap with the cancer symptoms which hinder further diagnosis and treatment efficacy. Several years ago Klubler/Ross identified the grief stages everyone goes through when we experience a traumatic loss. First is denial, "this really can't be happening". Next is anger, "why is this happening". This gives rise to anger, outrage and blame. Blame also shifts to guilt as helplessness takes over. Then comes bargaining, an attempt to make deals with the situation.. It's begging, wishing, praying for the pain to cease. It is wishing for things to be normal like they were before the intruding loss. Finally depression sets in, overwhelming feelings of hopelessness, frustration, bitterness, and self pity over the loss. As an individual works through these emotions, finally acceptance becomes the new reality. There is a difference between resignation and acceptance. The individual has to accept the loss, not just try to bear it quietly. A patient of post surgery stoma is highly dependant on the hospital and health care staff as well as family members. Maslow has depicted the hierarchy of needs as a five level pyramid. The four lower levels are grouped together as deficiency needs which comprise mostly of physiological needs and the apex represents growth needs which refer to psychology needs.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

FSA and stiffer penalties to individuals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

FSA and stiffer penalties to individuals - Essay Example FSA also protects consumers by reducing financial crimes in the financial markets (Davidson 2010). In the past few weeks, FSA has imposed heavy penalties on individuals for regulatory breaches. FSA has been much more efficient in ensuring prosecution of individuals who breach regulatory requirements. FSA has implemented a new policy that is aimed at deterring financial crimes through imposing penalties that reflect the magnitude of the regulatory breach, or financial scandal (Pettet 2001). The recent penalties are based on numerous factors including the need to achieve an appropriate deterrence effect and removal of any profits that may have accrued due to the regulatory breach. FSA has also considered the mitigating and aggravating factors and need to apply any settlement discount in imposing the high penalties (Davidson 2010). Main legal aspects of the cases The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and Market Abuse regulations of 2005 mainly deal with insider dealings and market price manipulation misconducts. The offence must occur in the prescribed markets. The prescribed markets include the markets governed by UK recognized investment exchanges (RIE) and other markets in the EEA countries. Some of the financial markets in the UK, where such market abuse occur include ICE futures, London stock exchange and London Metal exchange limited. Other markets include the NYMEX Europe limited and EDX London Ltd (Davidson 2010). The qualifying investments that are governed by FSA market abuse regulations include the transferable securities like shares, securitized debts and bonds that are regulated by the ISD directive. Other securities include the forward interest agreements, currency and interest rate swaps, future contracts and derivative securities. Firms are required to report any suspect dealings and implement adequate internal control and compliance mechanisms (Davidson 2010). FSA has the powers to deal with misconduct that is not necessarily market abuse bu t that breach the guiding principles of FSA. Sections 401 and 402 allow FSA to prosecute various financial markets offenses under the Financial Services and Markets Act of 2000 and any other relevant legislation (Pettet 2001). Some offenses include offering securities for sale to the public without publishing a prospectus since FSA listing requirements under Section 85(2) require the issuer to provide a prospectus before the actual listing. Section 397 of the Act prohibits firms and individuals from making fraudulent and misleading statements and manipulating the market fundamentals (Pettet 2001). Insider dealing is one of the criminal offenses that have led to high penalties to individuals. Insider trading is a criminal offence if the individual transacts the securities with inside information, or encourages another person to transact in the securities while in possession of inside information that is not available to other market participants (Davidson 2010). If the insider avails information to a market player other than in the ordinary performance of his duties or employment, FSA will consider such act as criminal insider dealing. Section 52(3) outlines that the above offenses are committed when dealing with a security in the regulated market or where transactions of price affected securities are executed by an individual using the inside information or are conducted by a professional intermediary using such inside